Friday, December 7, 2007

Here it is Friday.'s SNOWING!!!!!!

As homeschoolers, we ARE allowed to take a day to play in the snow. Because, we can! Honestly we don't get outside to play as often as I'd like, so this is a recess day, if you may. :-)

Well, obviously it won't take ALL day long, but we've worked hard this week & all we really have left to do is our Geography. We'll get that done and do our wrap-up next week.

Then I just want to focus on Christmas for awhile. I'm planning on doing some crafts & hopefully visiting a convalescent home at some point. I have to say though, I have been a little pre-occupied as the nesting instinct has seemed to take over around here for me. It won't be long until we have another little person to talk about. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, what a special treat you guys got! wish we could be there to enjoy it to.B and E says its not fair that superkid and pickles have that in their backyard. They asked if we could come up to play in it with you guys.