Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Math Choices

So, we just have a few more weeks of superkids math book left. I really want to maybe just focus on getting him through it for awhile. (Although knowing how I work, I'm sure that when baby comes we'll work plenty on math then.)

But, the real dilemma is where to go next?

Part of me just wants to switch to Singapore Math, which is what MFW recommends. Then another part of me says what we are doing seems to be working pretty well, so why not just stick with Horizons? THEN, I look on my bookshelf and see that I have a few math books we could use. We have Mastering Mathematics which I really like, but my problem is that I only have one child. If I could tell him to practice his math with his sister, this curriculum would work out great. I feel like I spend a lot of time working with him in other areas for school and math seems to me to be more of a self-directed subject. Not that Mastering Mathematics is not self-directed, it's just that there are flash cards & games you are supposed to do along with the workbooks. I do better with just plain ol' workbooks. We also have the old style Saxon Math 65. He's not quite there yet. Although he picks up VERY quickly on most concepts, I think he needs a little more work on his basic math skills first. Awhile back I picked up Dorling Kindersley "Math Made Easy" 2nd grade which would be the most logical from here to go to. But, is it complete? Will it work for us?

Oh the decisions we have to make!

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