Thursday, September 27, 2007

These aren't the best pictures, but...

Here's a sampling of what my son learned this week.
Today's picture is right below. He already knew what a vole and a goshawk were. What seven year old knows that? I didn't know! The picture says, "I learned about the food chain of the animals."

This was what he learned yesterday. He really does not like to color, so I had him just outline the map (and I colored the water for him because I'm such a nice mom like that.)

I have to admit I have been amazed that he is enjoying learning so much about maps. I was pretty sure I'd be able to get him interested in the countries and the people/animals that live there, but I was kind of nervous about the first few weeks. So far, he's soaking it up. And he's learning so much! He named all of the continents for his dad yesterday except Europe and we've only been studying this for 4 days. Pretty cool I think. Considering I didn't know where all the continents were when I left high school. (I've since learned them, obviously) And, with that statement I promise not to go off on a tangent as to why homeschool is so great. Oohh kay...

So, that concludes our first week. Tomorrow (Friday) we will begin week two and do Monday's work.

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