Thursday, September 27, 2007

Today was tough.

None of us could stay focused. It's not abnormal for the kids, but I couldn't get myself "into" today for anything. I don't know what my deal was. BUT, somehow even still we're very close to being done for the day! Including the extra stuff from Friday, so that we could get ahead and take Monday off. It's 2:30 and all we have left to do is the poster from Tuesday that we skipped and Daddy is going to do the scale project with him tonight. Yes, math is done. I know I usually write and say that we only have math left. :-)

I wanted to mention how I've been working things out with Superkid. He has one notebook that he puts everything in. We've tried to do separate before, but it just gets confusing. He also has a section where I give him a copy of the weekly outlook for his records. I was nervous about doing this at first, because I wanted some of it to be a surprise (activities, projects, etc.) But I've found that it actually really helps him to see that he can work harder to get ahead, to have time off. It also does give him an element of surprise, because all he can read in certain boxes is "activity" - he doesn't know WHAT that is, he just knows that he has something coming up! I also allow HIM to choose what he wants to do next throughout the day. I've been amazed that he's actually chosen some of his least favorite things to do FIRST, so that he can get them out of the way. His choice! Before I was coaxing him to write, now he does it willingly first!! It has worked out really well actually. I've also given him full control over how he organizes his notebook. Whatever way he wants to do it is fine, I just want it to be in some sort of order. We'll see how that goes over time.

This weekend I plan to go shopping for the rest of the supplies we need. I am going to get 2yo her own binder too. She usually winds up drawing pictures and painting with Superkid. I haven't been doing any one on one "school" time with her this week. Once we get into a groove, I think I will do more "school" time with her. (We just count and sing, etc.) I've been focusing mostly on keeping her naptime more regular than I had been. After lunch she reads a book and then gets into bed. That gives us time to do more of the projects in the afternoon that need to be done without little fingers in the way. :-D

Ok, I guess we'd better get focused here so we can get this day finished up.

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