Thursday, November 15, 2007

Holiday Crunch Time

I've spent the last few hours trying to get this month and next month organized since we have the following:

Weekend trip to visit family
Superkid's birthday

(this is not including the fact that I am having a few complications in my pregnancy and I need to keep myself rested right now.)

So, I was trying to figure out how to work out our homeschooling in the middle of the holiday chaos. Here's my plan:

I'm giving myself until Thanksgiving to finish up Mexico. Then the week afterward we will start into Canada. After Canada (as long as that takes) we'll just focus on Christmas until after Christmas is over.

I'm hoping to buy a Jesse tree this week from online so that we can start doing that to keep us focused on what is really important for Christmas. These people have a great calendar here that I'm planning to use as a reference to keep doing school activities during our "Christmas break."

As I'm looking at what I originally planned when I purchased this curriculum, I am actually right on for what I expected to happen. I just know how goofy-headed I get during this time. Good thing, because it gives me comfort knowing I'm "on-track" as best as can be expected here.

Taking it one day at a time and doing what we can when we can. :-)

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